OLD Price List

  Non Village Residents Village Residents
Peak hourly rate
(weekends and after 18.00 weekdays)
£20 £12
Off peak hourly rate
(weekdays up to 18.00)
£12 £12
Weekend daily rate
(until midnight)
£200 *POA
Children's party hourly rate
(under 12s at any time)
£12 £12
Charitable or Fundraising hourly rate
(at any time)
£12 £6
Regular Hiring hourly rate for organisations
*POA £6

* Price on application. Please contact the Lettings Agent for further information

Full payment to cover the hire must be received 14 days prior to the hire date.

Birthday parties 16-21 year olds
All other bookings                                                                  £100
Deposits to be cash or cheques payable at time of booking.
Deposits will be returned intact subject to any breach of the hiring agreement.
Deductions to cover additional costs or damage will be made if appropriate.

Other Information
Bookings must be made in the name of the hirer.
Villagers may not book at village rates for outside hiring.
Time required for preparation and cleaning up must be paid for

Making a Provisional Booking
To make a provisional booking please click here or ring our Lettings Agent on 01954 252214