About us: our History and Management Committee
The land on which the present Village Hall lies was gifted to the village by Miss Delmer Price in 1951. Following a great deal of fundraising the Village Hall was built using a significant amount of volunteer labour. Since then the Hall has been extended and improved throughout the years and is now a self-financing modern village facility.

Management Committee
Rampton Village Hall, in common with most village halls, is held in a trust administered by a group of Trustees; known as the "Rampton Village Hall Management Committee". The Trust Deed is the controlling document and registers us as a charity.
The Village Hall Management Committee meets most months and comprises elected and representative members. The elected members are elected at the Annual General Meeting and the representative members are put forward by the groups who regularly meet in the Hall. At the first meeting following the AGM the Committee then elect the Committee's officers for the next year.
Lettings Officer
Committee Members
Steve Adams
Sam Allen (Representative for Rampton Parish Council)
Sharon Dence (Representative for Rampton '77 Committee)
Chris Dickinson (Representative for RampArts)
Committee Members
John Herring
Sue Rayner (Representative for Rampton Spinners)
Jon White