

Rampton Village Hall Management Committee expresses its deep sadness at the news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II and offers its sincere condolences to the Royal Family


  • Books of Condolence  
    • Books of Condolence are available to be signed in person at All Saints Church, Cottenham and Cottenham Village Hall.
    • An official online book of condolence is available on the Royal Family website
    • An online book of condolence has also been set-up by Cambridgeshire County Council. Messages left will be saved as a local archive.
  • Flowers    The grass area to the left-hand side of the main door to Rampton Parish Church has been identified to anyone wishing to lay a floral tribute. Please note that these will be removed one week after the funeral has taken place (or once the flowers have faded).

  • Two Minute Silence    A national two minute silence is planned at 11am on the day of the state funeral.

  • Funeral    Details of the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II will be posted here once available.