Weekly sessions are closed during the summer but will restart on 6th September.
Sessions run from 10.15 - 12.15. Weekly subscriptions remain at £5 per week but every 5th week is free of charge. Members may pay by cash or card.
Let us know if you have any suggestions for future projects or if you wish to unsubscribe from the mailing list.
Lots of work this week from Carol, Cynthia, Helen, Jan, John, Margie, Paul and Veronica
13 July 2021 Rosemary: Our last session before the summer break will be Tuesday 20th July. All being well, I hope we will meet up again on Tuesday 7th September.
This week's project: Choose a flower picture, find some white paper and then draw lines across and down your paper. Using the colours from your flower picture create an abstract painting. Try to capture the feeling, e.g. strength/delicacy, from the colours of the flower/flowers you choose. If possible use oil pastels - press them hard intp the paper and the colours will mix into each other.
If you have any pictures you would like to put online please send to me at [email protected]. If we don't see you again until September do keep well and have a good Summer.
Pieces this week from Cynthia, Janet, John, Margie, and Paul
29 June 2021 Rosemary: This week's project: Colour Anaylsis. EITHER colour in one of the black and white pictures (see below) thinking about darks and lights
OR copy all, or part of, the Hundertwasser paintings (see below) thinking about how his colours affect the composition and movement in each picture.
29 June 2021 Rosemary: Please send any artwork pictures you have to me at [email protected]. Keep working towards the exhibition later this year.
Pieces from Chris, Cynthia, Jane, Margie, and Veronica this week
4 May 2021 Rosemary: We are restarting RampArts in the Village Hall on Tuesday 25 May. Our first session will be held outdoors so please dress for the conditions. Please also bring your own materials and easel if you have it for this first session. Full information in the email from Rosemary.
Pieces from Helen and Paul this week
27 Apr 2021 Rosemary: Probably most of us will have been outside enjoying the sun. So perhaps it is time to decide what Ramparts will do next. Start the group meetings again in late May? Perhaps some outside painting/drawing? Your views would be welcome. And also your "views" from the house/garden would also look good on the website
20 Apr 2021 Nothing this week as Rosemary has no computer - hopefully back next week!
13 Apr 2021 Rosemary: The Cambridge Drawing Society's Exhibition is online presently as they were unable to hold it publicly. Have a look - see if you are inspired to do some artwork. If so have a shot at "Leaves". They are all coming out. See how many different greens you can mix. Go abstract! Or it could be about something/somebody leaving!
Jane: New term, new page. The Jan - Mar 2021 page has been archived but you can still see everything by clicking either on the link at the bottom of this page or the links from the RampArts block on the Community Page.
Pieces from Helen and Veronica this week
See below to view archived work