RampArts archive: Oct - Dec 2020
22 Dec 2020 Rosemary: Three very different suggestions for holiday artwork projects:
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We will resume on Tuesday 12 January. Let me know if you have any suggestions for future projects or if you wish to unsubscribe from the weekly emails.
Pieces this week from Chris C, Cynthia, Penelope, and Sylvia
15 Dec 2020 Rosemary: Pieces this week from Angela, Jan, Jane, Pat, Susan and Steve
8 Dec 2020 Rosemary: Not many cards in yet so I expect you are all very busy! Which is good news! Linda has sent in a lovely print and a picture of her workings. Your cards don't have to be prints of course. As you see - mine is a collage of cutouts!
Pieces this week from Linda, Paul and Rosemary
1 Dec 2020 Rosemary: We have been making Christmas cards for many years so it is difficult to think of an original theme. However, we usually exchange our cards on the last day of the group meeting before Christmas. As this can't take place this year it would be good to 'exchange' cards through the website - so your card would feature Merry Christmas (or similar) from (your name). Try to make a decorative feature of the words. The cards will be posted online from now until the last post on 21st December!
Pieces this week from Paul, Steve and Veronica
17 Nov 2020 Rosemary: This week I would like you to think about animals. As we did last year with the portraits, draw a picture of your favourite animal without taking the pen off the paper. This could incorporate different movements of your animal and the lines will overlap but will make it come alive. You can take your pen off the paper but put it back in the same place! Try to fill the whole paper and shade or colour the shapes left between the lines.
Pieces this week from Angela, Brenda, Chris C, Margie, Pat T, Paul, Steve, and Veronica
10 Nov 2020 Rosemary: Every year we do something based on Autumn - we have covered most aspects - colour, movement, mist and mellow fruitfulness, etc and this year the title is just Autumn. The challenge is that your picture should be produced only one and a hal inches (or approx 3cm) square! Out with the tiny paint brishes and fine pens!
Pieces this week from Paul, Sylvia, Steve and Veronica.
3 Nov 2020 Rosemary: No particular project set for this week so you can catch up but while you are reading or watching television perhaps think of an illustration for the book/play/film/programme etc. We produced book jacket illustrations once which were very effective. Keep creating! Pencils, crayons, charcoal, paint, cut-outs all good. And good for us!
Pieces this week from Angela, Margie, Steve and Veronica.
27 Oct 2020 Rosemary: I love the way Jan has used light and shade in her portrait so I thought we would remind ourselves about the elements that make up a picture - light and shade, line, shapes and most of all - composition. Purely from your imagination, and under the title Still Life or Garden or Landscape, create a picture thinking about the components above. No worries about perspective or photogrpahic accuracy just excite us with your individuall take on this.
Lots of lovely pieces this week from Angela, Cynthia, Helen, Jan, John, Paul, Ron, Rosemary, and Steve C.
20 Oct 2020 Rosemary: no project this week just "doodle" with a good black pen and see what comes out. Could be the start of a picture or a work of art in its own right! Everyone's doodles are completely original!
Work this week from Chris C, Paul and Angela
12 Oct 2020 Rosemary. Steve's lovely picture is an inspiration for us to have a go at portraiture and led me to suggest a rather unusual challenge: when you pause your television programme, particularly during a drama, you get wonderfully expressive actions and facial expressions. Quickly make sketches of the bits that interest you (preferably not when someone else is trying to watch TV!) and see if you can create a picture from them. Notice the eye levels and light and shade. Alternatively, do some collage (easy, no paint needed!). I cut out bits of colour from one magazine (see photo) and now I really want to make something out of these shapes. Remember, the photographs you send will look great in their reduced form.
Lots of work received this week from Chris B, Steve, and Veronica
4 Oct 2020 The project for this week from Rosemary. "We have heard a good deal recently about social distancing so the theme is "Distance". Abstract or representational. Remember things get small in the distance and there is less contrast between things".
Work from March to June 2020 has been archived but can still be viewed here
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